Juva Public Library
Adress: Raili Kostian tie 2, 51900 Juva
Email: kirjasto@juva.fi
Phone: 040 868 0519
Renew your loans: lumme.finna.fi
Opening hours
Monday to Thursday 9-19
Self-service library is open 9-10
Staff is available 10-19
Fridays and Eve of public holidays 9-16
Self-service library is open 9-10
Staff is available 10-16
Saturday 9-14
Self-service library is open 9-10
Staff is available 10-14
During self-service you can borrow, return, read magazines, use the computer and browse the collection.
For exceptions to opening hours, check lumme.finna.fi
Juva library is part of the Lumme libraries
Juva Library is an independent library, which belongs to the Lumme libraries network. The library staff will help you find information and offer reading tips. You can also get guidance on how to use your digital device.
Thanks to the Lumme partnership, your Juva library card is a multifunctional tool that allows you to borrow material from all Lumme libraries. You can return borrowed material to any Lumme library. Reservations are free of charge and the reservation queue is common to the whole region.
Your library card number and pin code are used as your user ID and password for the online library and for borrowing electronic material. The electronic collection includes both audio books and text books for use on your own device. The shared e-resource includes newspapers, magazines and other materials.
Lumme online library > lumme.finna.fi